Sky Ranch - Orion Park Overhead View

Amenities within reach.

It’s easy to feel at home in the Sky Ranch community. The comforts of a newly-crafted home. The pathway outside your door that leads to oh-so-many places. The neighborhood park down the street where your kids, and the kid in you, can run freely. That’s home in Sky Ranch, and there’s even more on the horizon.

See what’s here for you.

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Children in Classroom

Quality schools.

Your young learners that live west of Monaghan Road will be part of the diverse, caring and forward-thinking Aurora Public School District. With 130+ countries represented and 160+ languages spoken throughout Aurora Public Schools, Sky Ranch students get a worldly educate in each classroom.

Here are the schools serving Sky Ranch students that live WEST of Monaghan Road:

Vista PEAK Exploratory School (K through 8)
Vista PEAK Preparatory School for (9 through 12)
Find more about these schools and the Aurora Public School District.

Students living in the newest phase of Sky Ranch on the east side of Monaghan Road will be served by the Bennett School District 29J. Providing a safe environment for a quality education with high expectations for success, ensuring students obtain the necessary skills to achieve their full potential and to think critically as responsible citizens in a complex, diverse, and ever-changing world is the mission of the Bennett School District.

Here are the schools serving Sky Ranch students that live EAST of Monaghan Road:

Bennett Preschool (Pre-K) • Elementary (K through 3) • Intermediate (4 through 6)
Middle (7th through 8th grade) • High School (9th through 12th grade)

Find more about the Bennett School District.


Located within the community, Sky Ranch Academy offers grades K-7 for the 2023-24 school year then adds one grade per year through 12th grade. Sky Ranch Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school.

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